Sunday, May 29, 2011

Shots from San Francisco Ride

Would have been more, but as luck has it, my phone died.  What? Why didn't I bring a camera?  I forgot it.  What? Why didn't I charge my phone? Well, let's just say...see previous excuse.

Monday, May 16, 2011

DIY - Simple tire modification

I used a Sharpie Paint Pen to make a nice looking mod to my motorcycle's tires.  I think it gives it the look of a racing motorcycle, mixed in with a little throw back whitewall-esque flavor.  It was simple, all I did was clean the gunk off the sidewalls with an old t-shirt (soap and water), and dried it, then marked it up.  Only heads up I would give is to maybe use a rag, rather than a t-shirt because the old lint tends to stick onto the tires' surface.  Also, use a steady hand, as I messed up on the 'B' in Bridgestone and just decided to color in that top portion of the 'B'

Sharpie Paint Pen - 2/$5.00 @ Michael's 

Rear Wheel - right

Rear Wheel - right (zoomed in)

Front Wheel - right

Front Wheel - right

Front Wheel - right

Front Wheel - right

Rear Wheel - left

Front Wheel - left

Saturday, May 7, 2011