Sunday, June 1, 2008

Meanwhile somewhere in California...

Music: Les Nubians

Today being June 1st, that means it will in-or-around 4 weeks until departure. HOT....
Housing assignments are announced today. In fact, this step is so important, that if I don't get housing, then essentially, I do not go. Simply put, I can not afford to rent an off-campus apartment right now, so it's back to "dorm life" for me. That's okay...for the first year. By the second (and final) year, I'll figure a way to work the system so I can live in a less "dorm" like environment. I have no problem with dorms, it's just the people who live in them. And by "people," I mean rowdy ass Freshmen. SFA doesn't designate specific housing for Grads, everyone is integrated. So the population of a building can, in fact, include Freshmen to Grads. Wild, huh?

I'm up early today, thinking the assignments would be posted by 9AM, but I have to come back at 1PM (Texas time) I guess.

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