Friday, July 4, 2008

On my way

This morning, I am officially off to Nacogdoches, TX. It is Friday July 4 and I am expecting to arrive Sunday July 6 -- yes, that is two whole days on the road. In that time, I will travel 5 states; California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Louisiana -- yeah the only reason we're going through LA is because that is the bus' route. I stayed at Jarrod's house because he lives 5 mins away from the station. My mom will meet us there in the morning. She was originally supposed to travel with me. That's because we were going to go to Minden, LA to meet her cousins but those plans faltered. It's okay because I'd rather just head directly to SFA campus. No side trips.

Yesterday was the first time I actually had butterflies. While I was at work, we had just finished lunch (Thanks, Beth) and my final hour was approaching. I knew it would be the last time I'd be working there and it just felt a little gloomy. Even though I had only been working there for almost 5 months, I still had grown to love that place. And leaving them (especially the pay) was tough. But I realize that this is something I've wanted to do for a while, and this was my shot. So, like a true champion, I had to take it.

Will try to blog from the road

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