While on my voyage from California to Texas, these are just a few of the things I observed and took note of, while en route to wherever it is that I am going. These things took place in the Bus Station, on the motorcoach, at a rest stop, etc. They ALL, however, did happen! I kid you, not! I comprised this list during the last leg of the trip, that is, from Shreveport to Nacogdoches, which is about 1.5 hour drive.
# of Miles Traveled: 2073
Pairs of socks given to runaway girls: 1
# of Leg Cramps: None, surprisingly
Items in overhead storage compartment to fall and smack someone in the head: 1 haha, I saw it in slo-mo
Bigfoot Sightings: 0
Bottles of Vitamin Water: 6, of course there were other beverages but this seemed to be a reoccuring one
Times I brushed teeth: 7
"Whites Only" signs observed: 0
Babies Crying: 2
Bums wanting to get slapped by me: 1
Photos taken: 11
Photos deleted: 27
Toothless security guards: 2
Kids elbowed in the neck by their mother: 1
Threats to call CPS: 1 wow
People just missed getting left behind: 2
Complaints about A/C: 0
Rainbow weaves: 1 -- c'mon, this can't ONLY be a Bay Area thing
#of times Crossed TX state lines: 3
# of states traveled: 5
Hours on road: 49
#1's: 4
#2's: 1
Movies watched: 1
Sets of nice breast to stare at: 2
Really cute babies to stare at and make funny faces at: 2
Calories consumed: 4,219
Highest temperature: 101 in New Mexico
Lowest Temperature: 85 in California
Sleep-Awake ratio: 3:1
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