On a Friday...
Yesterday was jam packed! Since football is out of town, I was looking forward to sleeping in the whole day, meaning no 6:45a practice, and no 1p-5p treatment times. But no...that's when Hurricane Ike hit and changed everything. So, Sean and I were supposed to go to Corrigan, but that game was postponed from last Friday, then moved up Thursday to try and beat the Hurricane but then the roads were closed for evacutations, so the game was finally rescheduled to yesterday. Not to mention...no one wanted to cover tennis, so Loree was this close to "activating the draft" and signing trainers up to cover the tennis tournament. I decided to just sign up for Fridays morning shift. So that brings my day to......
Intro to Athletic Training 9a-9:50a
Tennis Tournament 11a-3p
Corrigan v. Hemp Hill Friday Night Football 4:45p-11p (including travel time)
Whew - so much for sleeping in...! The tennis tournament wasn't bad at all, though. In fact, I really enjoyed it, even though I didn't get to see much action. I did wrap a broken toe nail for one of our athletes. And Josh happened to stop by, so he did a blister, again, for one of our players. I got to drive the Gator and nearly flipped the muthaf*cker haha! So, Meaghan was headed to cover a track meet or something, and needed the dolley to transport equipment. And Loree and I were running low on Powerade anyway, so she sent me to get more Powerade and take the dolley back to the ATR for Meaghan. So, I've never driven the 6-wheel gator, and didn't realize how powerful is was! As I was driving from the tennis courts, I was thinking in my head what was the shortest and fastest way to the ATR. Anyway, I remember Dustin saying that some of the trainers got in trouble for driving over the grass (shortcuts), so the only way I knew was along Wilson Drive next to the intramural courts and through Lumberjack alley. So I wasn't driving in the street, and decided to take the sidewalk. So, I'm flooring it - doing at least 25mph in this thing. And, keep in mind, it hadn't been a few days since a hurricane Ike just finished coming through. There is leaves and branches and debris all over the place, and it's flying in my eyes, and the dolley in the back is rumbling all over the place. Not to mention the brakes aren't that good on this thing. I approach a ramp for wheelchairs to get onto the sidewalk, kinda like near entrance/exit ways for cards, and I didn't really see it until the last second...so I hit this ramp-thing going FULL SPEED and my heart nearly jumped out of my shirt, as I grabbed on the wheel with both hands to keep this thing leveled as I went airborne and nearly flipped the Gator on it's side. I managed to keep it up, and juat BARELY escaped scratching the sh*t out of this new Accord parked along Wilson Drive. Whew! I'm not doing that again...okay, maybe once more on the way back...
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