Sunday, October 12, 2008

Computer virus, okay, I am at your have me by the balls, are you happy?

Oh, the irony. I got a virus from the FreakStylaz, a site that I moderate! How bogus is that? And what makes me even more angry is being the second time this has happened (which reminds me, Net54 you betta check your Inbox). I mean, I was pissed. I got the virus Sunday morning, right before the Raiders game because I was trying to load the game to listen online. And at first, I thought it was the connection that being slow, then I tried closing the window, and it really started acting up. Then I couldn't shut down the computer, and that is when my firewall started going OFF! I knew at that point, I had been infected. Sucks...

At the beginning, I wasn't really upset. Well, at that point, I did not know the severity of the damage done, but the more I realized that this wasn't going to be some simple quick fix, the more tense I became. I managed to get the game on and listen to the Raiders recieve a lashing at the hands on the Saints, but it was after the game went off when I really began to get mad Luckily, Ben called...and was ready to go get food. So we went to Papa John's.

Deep in the back of my head, I knew I had escaped my issues for now, but not for long, because at some point I had to return to this fiasco. For a while, I fled reality with pizza and news of Mondays' class cancellation and managed to enjoy myself. The perfect way to come back down from that high is to walk into your room, and realize that your laptop has a virus, and it probably loaded with spyware, adware, malware, etc.

Which brings me to my next point...who in the hell creates these things? And please, answer me...WHY??!? Is it because you love to frustrate folks like me? You like to disgust the likes of innocent women and men for some sick and twisted pleasure fantasy of yours that involves fixin' computers? It is sooo bugged out! I have one statement for you, Mr./Mrs. Computer-virus-creator-man or woman-of the universe-asshole-who like to fuck with folks like are NOT cool, and probably wear leather in the Summer. Also I want to say to you, Ha! motherfucker, I got my computer fixed and it's now faster than it was last time (Okay, maybe it's not faster, but I'm convinced this is dial-up in this building), but I got my shit back.

I was soooo pissed at you, I even wrote a rant (similar to this) on I would provide the link, but it was flagged and removed from the site. Which is puzzling for me because, it appears someone was offended by my rant. I didn't think that was possible, to be offended by a rant - in the RANT section. Afterall...ahh, why bother. Anyway, it felt good while it lasted...

As a part of the healing process, the next day on Monday, I dropped my laptop at the SHACK, or the computer services guys on campus. I love Josh, the kid who worked there, he was helpful and courteous, and respectful. In didn't belittle me for not being able to remove the virus, nor did he ask about cool porn sites. It was very productive. When you go into the Shack, thank Josh ahead of time.

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