Friday, October 31, 2008

If professors don't care about grades, why should I?

After getting my most recent test scores back, this title couldn't be more appropriate. It isn't my place to think how bad I did, or what answers I should have gotten right. My place is to continue to learn from what mistakes I may have made, and not repeat more of the same. Man, it hurts inside, but thankfully...not for long. That initial stinging feeling is the worst part, but like the title says, "why should I care about grades?" I think the unique thing about Athletic Training is that your performance isn't measured by how great you did on a test, but moreso, your performance and reaction to what happens on the field, and in the clinical setting. It is, however, valid to argue that a test, in some ways, mimics the real-thing-- just with a little more time to think it over. Everything I thought about Athletic Training still holds true, but now, it's hard to believe that because I find myself with more questions. No more wasting time...

This is not some cheap attempt at trying to reverse-psyche myself out of thinking about the importance of grade marks. Being a Sagittarius, I never think it's too late to turn things around. I spent so much thinking, and I think, it's time for me start doing. I'll drive myself crazy haha, but I'm too creative to ever be considered that. I'm here now, and the check already cleared, so...I can't let go now. Haha getting too metaphorical

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