Friday, November 7, 2008


This has been one helluva week! First, my guy wins the most important, most historical, election ever!  That wasn't just good for America, that was great for the world!  The entire human race will benefit from having this genuine, smart, giving, loving, man in office!  Thank you to the Obama women for sharing your father and husband with us.  

Second, I recieved notice of my selection to be a Community Assistant, also known as Resident Assistants at other institutions.  This was huge for me.  As a Graduate student living in dorms right now, I have been looking for a way out of this place for a long time.  No joke.  I'm emancipating myself.  And what's best about all of this is, I'm practically moving from the worst building on-campus, to the most luxurious suites on campus.  No joke.  All I wanted was a place of my own, and I got the Presidential Palace!!!! This may not seem like much, but being 23yrs. and rooming with a 19yrs old is not the most conducive environment to my learning. And he's pledging right now, and have been all semester.  He's a cool guy, it's just me! I need to be OUT!  So my days are numbered here...I can't wait until next semester to move on up.

And the only perfect thing to end this week would be a Oakland Raiders win over the Carolina Panthers! Just win, baby!

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