Monday, January 12, 2009

From that, to this...New diggs

Ahh, finally...

I have a feeling this semester will be a lot easier, if for no other reason, that I have a place of my own now. Last semester I shared a room in a dorm-style living arrangement, and I was unsatisfied with the conditions; not neccesarily with the person I was living with, just the environment.  Being a Graduate student in a building full of freshmen and sophmores was hard.  It was certainly reflected in my academic performance, which was sufficient but could have been better, especially not being able to study as efficiently as I needed.  There was no space for books, little storage, and I always had to be considerate of my roommate's schedule. 

Now that I have my own space, although it is still university housing, there is a huge difference in my outlook on this semester and the academic possibilities.  Not only do I no longer share a space, but the facility is a huge upgrade equipped with everything a GRADUATE student needs in order to be succesful.  Not teasing, but damn I got it good =) 

'Before' shots (Hall 16)

Not pretty, I know. Especially this last shot ^^above, with all the gross objects on the shower floor. But now...

'After' shots (Lumberjack Village)

And as you can see, my walls are naked, but that won't last long...Needless to say, the rest of my nights will be in comfort. Holler!

1 comment:

a DoT oN a LiNe said...

love the photos for proof of how horrible it is. . . .hope this semester we have more fun!!!!!!!!!!