I'm no dermatologist, but I believe it is healing very well. What I do know for sure is, the first time when this happened to me (when I was 8yrs), I don't remember it healing this quickly.

You can see the skin beginning to form again. This is very exciting. Kind of looks like leopard print, no?

I haven't really done much research on burn treatments; just kind of been relying on my own knowledge and the advice of the nurses at the health center, although I've only gone to see them once. I haven't had any reason to go back and see them. The process is going well and I have had absolutely zero complications. Today was the first day I went outdoors with it uncovered, which was a little nerve-racking, but I didn't worry too much, I was just walking to the parking garage across the road.
I did happen to look up (and by 'look up' I mean Google) images of burns. My exact search terms were 'exhaust pipe burns' and some interesting things came up. More pictures of exhaust pipes, than burns, but I cam across one woman's blog where she is strongly considering surgical procedures to rid her leg of the burns. My take on that is "live with it." Allow it to be a reminder to respect the machines. Although her circumstance is a little different than mine, simply being she appears to be a housewife/mother, and doesn't want the appearance of an 'ugly' scar on her leg. Me, on the other hand, I am a guy. Kind of sexist? Probably not! I'm not implying 'I like scars' because I am a guy, it's just that in my lifetime, I will probably be wearing more long pants than her (easy one), and not subject to social ridicules of "women needing to have perfect skin," therefore, I can get away with having a "cool" scar. Plus, I am a biker, and the way I see it, it's a sort of 'right of passage' thing.
-Silly me
1 comment:
OMG!is my first reaction when I saw your post since I have'nt been on your blog site for a while (sorry, just a busybee) but then I scrolled down and just got grossed out and laughing at the same time. Ooops, not at your circumstance but on the way you documents your healing stages. Its very you, Tekk. Anyway, seems like you are doing fine and back home most of my friends including my sister had this same accident er payback or whatever you call it nowadays. Give it few years (3-5)and its barely there. Uh, I forgot these are all ladies and they must have slathered it with anti-scarring cream most of the time for all I know. If you are slightly concerned about scarring, you might want to try those off the shelf anti-scar stuff though I doubt if you'll bother but it might hasten the healing process. Then later on you can check about friction massage on that area so your skin won't adhere to the muscle under it. Goodluck and take it easy!
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