Thursday, June 20, 2013


Chilling at the local park here in San Jose.  When suddenly, this bird emerges from the water.  Sorry, I'm no bird enthusiast, so I have no idea what it is.  It didn't appear to fly, although it swam very fast.  Much faster than the ducks in the pond.  It also ran literally on top of the water!  It was on shore, then it was chased by another unidentified species of bird, and this thing just took off (not flying) into the water, and ran on the surface for about 5 seconds, almost 10 meters.  

I just sat and watched, hoping it didn't attack me. 

Clearly I have no idea how to I.D. birds.  I recently called a vulture a hawk, only to be schooled on how to tell a hawk from a vulture.  Apparently, the translucency of the wings has something to do with it.  Oh yeah, also the red head of the vulture gives it away

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