Saturday, December 12, 2009

Motorcycle Towing

So you have a crashed bike, what do you do next? Have it towed to a repair shop. I was expecting a flatbed to pull up, so when I saw this, I was wondering how in the heck he was going to pull this off. I thought, "Oh my jeezus, he is going to bootleg-jury-rigg my Ninja to the back of this truck.." but then he then explained, I watched, and here's the sequence...

Here is video of the final stages right before taking off
*** Video was taking a while to be rendered, so I will add it later ***

The bike was pretty secure as it stood on that beam, except for as he was placing it onto the beam in which you can see the bike is rocking like crazy. He was traveling about 10 miles out of town to the repair shop, and good thing about these rural Texas roads, they're in good shape! So the bike is in good shape.


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