After getting my most recent test scores back, this title couldn't be more appropriate. It isn't my place to think how bad I did, or what answers I should have gotten right. My place is to continue to learn from what mistakes I may have made, and not repeat more of the same. Man, it hurts inside, but thankfully...not for long. That initial stinging feeling is the worst part, but like the title says, "why should I care about grades?" I think the unique thing about Athletic Training is that your performance isn't measured by how great you did on a test, but moreso, your performance and reaction to what happens on the field, and in the clinical setting. It is, however, valid to argue that a test, in some ways, mimics the real-thing-- just with a little more time to think it over. Everything I thought about Athletic Training still holds true, but now, it's hard to believe that because I find myself with more questions. No more wasting time...
This is not some cheap attempt at trying to reverse-psyche myself out of thinking about the importance of grade marks. Being a Sagittarius, I never think it's too late to turn things around. I spent so much thinking, and I think, it's time for me start doing. I'll drive myself crazy haha, but I'm too creative to ever be considered that. I'm here now, and the check already cleared, so...I can't let go now. Haha getting too metaphorical
Chronicles of my experiences as a Certified Athletic Trainer + all the mystery buzz music advice action love hullabaloo stimulus poetry loss people peace elation + kicks in between
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
4 of 5 Athletic Trainers agreee..
I gotta have some fun. This all-work and no-play is hard work! I am having fun learning, though, and we just finished a unit on the knee (which is my favorite anatomical structure), and now we're on to the hip/thigh region. I think this the proximity to Thanksgiving has me with a 'low' feeling inside, because this will be the first Thanksgiving without any familiar faces around. And, by familiar faces, I mean family. Even when I was at USF, I wasn't too far to go home for the weekend, and head back afterwards. Now, I am 2,049 miles away -- not so easy. Needless to say, I am looking forward to Christmas break. But even before that, I am looking forward to Friday Nov. 7th because that is when announcements will be made regarding Community Assistant positions (CA), and I'll know whether or not I got the job (I need this job, y'all). Cheer up...election day is almost here, and shouts to J. McBoogie for letting my crash at his pad for the break. I appreciate that.
In order to chill out, I sometimes sneak off to the Music Building late-nights and practice some piano. Man, that shit is too soothing haha. And I'm not surprised there are still folks in there at those late times of 11p and 12am sometimes. As a musician, I know, you have to perfect your craft as much as possible. Absolutely no mistakes. I'm trying to re-learn a lot of the songs I knew prior to moving out here. Now, I'm working on "Save Room" by John Legend, and "Love Lockdown" by Kanye West, in addition to adding some of my own parts to "On Bended Knee" by Boyz II Men. Other things I've been doing are, of course, the Spoken Word. I love performing that stuff, man. Here's a shot of me during the last event.
Blurry photo credits to Eazy-E Velazquez. And although you can't tell, I was pissed that Ihad to go last. I'm sorry, I know that might sound selfish, I really wanted to go on BEFORE everybody was ready to go and BEFORE half of the room emptied out. The main reason I wanted to go ahead of others is because, 98% of people were doing the same thing, which was guitar covers of popular songs (a cover is replaying a song, for those who didn't know). I mean, I respect that and all, but where's the originalty. Now, not everyone did covers, but 100% of everybody did multiple songs -- which stretched out the event to the very last minute. After one person does 4 songs, you think you won't be tired of them -- regardless of how good they are? That is insane, I think. I was thee only poet that went up (and I know this because I went last, like I mentioned), and there were two other girls who did accapella joints, and everyone else did some form of guitar covers. And I have a feeling a lot of people there probably have never heard of Spoken Word, or at least, never heard it LIVE! So, that's another reason I was pissed for going last. Anyway, now I know to show-up very early. Regardless, though, I am impressing myself with how good I am getting. I wish I was this good while at USF. I think I had it in me back then, but after my Junior year, the "Expressions" went away, so there was no incentive for me to write. Spoken Word poets not only write for themselves, as do all poets, but Spoken Word is meant to be performed. If you can't perform, I personally don't see the reason to write, other than for yourself. At SFA these events are bi-monthly so I have to stay on my toes and keep writing. I like that, and people remember that, too. I want people to expect me to bring some fire on-stage everytime I go up. I certainly expect that of myself. It's inspiring...
-The Dreamer
In order to chill out, I sometimes sneak off to the Music Building late-nights and practice some piano. Man, that shit is too soothing haha. And I'm not surprised there are still folks in there at those late times of 11p and 12am sometimes. As a musician, I know, you have to perfect your craft as much as possible. Absolutely no mistakes. I'm trying to re-learn a lot of the songs I knew prior to moving out here. Now, I'm working on "Save Room" by John Legend, and "Love Lockdown" by Kanye West, in addition to adding some of my own parts to "On Bended Knee" by Boyz II Men. Other things I've been doing are, of course, the Spoken Word. I love performing that stuff, man. Here's a shot of me during the last event.
-The Dreamer
Monday, October 20, 2008
We Interrupt this....
It's official -- I am a grown man! Not that I didn't know this already, but it has just been confirmed (literally minutes ago) by an unknown college student and her friend, both appearing to be about the same age. This is me. While on my way to a study session, because apparently that is what grown men do on Monday nights, I walked past the Surfin' Stephen statue and off in the distant, I saw the remains of a car wreckage. So, as I walked, I continued to inspect what appeared to be a car fire, or at least somethign serious, because there was yellow caution tape all over the place.
While taking in this scene, apparently I did not notice two females walking in front of me. But, I did notice them, which explains why I methodically veered left and attempted to walk by them. As a result of my soft steps, I startled one of the two girls (I didn't really startle her, or suprise here; she really just wanted to make a scene, trust me I can tell). So I said, jokingly, "Sorry, next time I'll announce myself." At this point, I am walking stride-for-stride with the pair. The scary one then replied, "oh that's cool, I wasn't scared." And at this point, I was in front of the two. I then look back, and say something but before I can get it out, she interjects and says apologetically
"Oh you're grown, you are a grown man. I'm sorry..."
Her friend then gives her a light slap on the arm, as to gesture.."Look what you did." I was stunned. I couldn't help but to laugh.
This brings me back to a time when a comedian named Jor Rogan (Fear Factor) made a joke about being young, and the next day, you're in the grocery line, and the bag-boy calls you "Sir," and you Freak the Hell OUT!!!! Hahaha, I found out what this feeling is...on this night
While taking in this scene, apparently I did not notice two females walking in front of me. But, I did notice them, which explains why I methodically veered left and attempted to walk by them. As a result of my soft steps, I startled one of the two girls (I didn't really startle her, or suprise here; she really just wanted to make a scene, trust me I can tell). So I said, jokingly, "Sorry, next time I'll announce myself." At this point, I am walking stride-for-stride with the pair. The scary one then replied, "oh that's cool, I wasn't scared." And at this point, I was in front of the two. I then look back, and say something but before I can get it out, she interjects and says apologetically
"Oh you're grown, you are a grown man. I'm sorry..."
Her friend then gives her a light slap on the arm, as to gesture.."Look what you did." I was stunned. I couldn't help but to laugh.
This brings me back to a time when a comedian named Jor Rogan (Fear Factor) made a joke about being young, and the next day, you're in the grocery line, and the bag-boy calls you "Sir," and you Freak the Hell OUT!!!! Hahaha, I found out what this feeling is...on this night
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Rotation 4 - Women's Soccer
Soccer has been a very interesting rotation. The past two weeks have, indeed, been one of the best rotations. Now, let's not get carried away, because it was not always the best. But in comparison to the other rotations, soccer did have its moments of shine. I think what I liked best about it was how quickly the time went by. Typically, I'd show up at 2pm and was out before 6pm. Although I ended up having more than the 40 hours/2wks requirement, that mostly came from game-hours, and weekend practices. The soccer players are all fun girls. They can be even more fun when you really get to know them. They are all their own special characters, and somehow they all blend nicely with eachother. At least, that is how it appears to an outsider like myself. For all I know, there could be some personal grudges and dislikes among some, but I doubt it. You just can't mask that kind of stuff. These girls all seem genuine.
Throughout last week, they did have a road game, which I am not required to attend, so that meant I got the weekend off. I enjoyed my time off, knowing, next weekend (these past three days), they would have two games in three days. The 2nd week of the rotation are usually my best weeks. I am no longer shy and reserved, and I have a better feel for the athletes and procedures of the respective rotation. This particular mentality I carry goes back to the notion that we (Level I's or first-year Graduates), are the TRUE 'freshmen' in the program, and we really do not have an idea of how things go, and have no familiarity of the particular protocols or routine of all the sports. There are undergraduates in the program who have been here for 3-4 yrs., and there are also 2nd-year Graduates (Level II's) and obviously, they've beeen here for 1 year already. But since Level I's are so new, it does take some time to not only get to know the athletes, but to get used to the routines of each sport, because there is an Athletic Trainer for every sport and they all have different styles. So therefore, by the second week, I have gotten used to the folks I am around, and used to the routines, and that makes the experience a lot more enjoyable, because I am not standing around as much, and feeling dumb asking questions.
From a fans perspective, the soccer team did not do well these past two weeks. They went 1-2, with an impressive, dominant performance (9-2 win) one week, and two lossed (1-3, 0-1) the second week. A shutout? C'mon ladies, what is the deal with the bi-polar play? But from an Athletic Trainers' perspective, these past two weeks have been a dream (sorta like my name). During week 1, I personally got a lot of insight to the sport of soccer, which I admittingly know very, very little about. And in terms of injuries, I got to see/care for three ankle sprains, bacterial infection, unknown nerve condition, and the mommy of all knee injuries, the ever-so-popular ACL. Well, we don't know for sure until she goes and sees the Doc, but we think it could be. But the best injury to date, is one that must have fell from the Heavens. In fact, I am doing my Eval of Lower Extremities case study on this; a fracture of the calcaneal beak. WHOA!!!!! I am sorry, but this kind of stuff excites me!!!! But wait, it gets better!!!! Not only did I get to go to the players' doctor visit and personally speak with the doc, but the player actually has photos of the ACTUAL INJURY when it occured. Supposedly, her familiy was in the stands and they caught it exactly when it happened. Talking about hitting the JACKPOT, baby! In addition, I was granted permission for personal interviews, x-rays, and any other tests involved. I smell an A+
Overall, excellent rotation. In fact, I'd give it the highest marks to-date. However, there is one important flaw about the on-field protocol I'd like to point out. Not that the current system is ineffective, but I simply have some suggestions to make it better. Currently, as described to me by the Level II, in the event of an emergency (by emergency, I mean a player goes down on the field), the procedure is.....I quote, "whoever it is turn to go out and do an on-field evaluation, they go with [Head Athletic Trainer], and that's it." I thought to myself, "okay..." Then I followed up with another question, because I'm not sure she understood what I was getting at. I asked, "So if a player goes down, and one of you (undergrad or Level II) goes out there with the Head AT, what then, becomes my responsibilty? Am I to wait for a signal in case I need to call an ambulance, 911, retrieve the splint bag, crutches, etc.?" And her response was, "Oh, we have an ambulance here, usually, and we'll just get them." And that was it. Not very productive, and either she wasn't aware of the plan in place, or there just wasn't one. So I am proposing a plan, because afterall, like I mentioned there was a 'suspected' ACL tear, this emergency happened...
The plan: In the event there is an injury, and an on-field evaluation is taking place, the two remaining AT students then treat it as a time-out of sorts, get players water, but one shall also become responsible for paying attention to see if the AT's on the field needs anything. That AT student must remain visually attentive, and if neccessary, react to the needs of the AT's that are on the field, whether that means flagging the ambulance, or retrieving certain items like band-aiids, medkit, splint bag, ice, etc.
And if the head AT returns to the sideline and needs to do further evaluation, as in the case with the ACL, now it becomes that second team of 2 AT students to watch the game and respond to any on-the-field injuries, while the head AT continues to treat the previously injured athlete. The roles are just switched until the hea AT can return. Without a proper protocol like this, what you will get is exactly what happened this Friday; 5 people standing around watching a Lachman's being performed while the game continued without being monitored.
Throughout last week, they did have a road game, which I am not required to attend, so that meant I got the weekend off. I enjoyed my time off, knowing, next weekend (these past three days), they would have two games in three days. The 2nd week of the rotation are usually my best weeks. I am no longer shy and reserved, and I have a better feel for the athletes and procedures of the respective rotation. This particular mentality I carry goes back to the notion that we (Level I's or first-year Graduates), are the TRUE 'freshmen' in the program, and we really do not have an idea of how things go, and have no familiarity of the particular protocols or routine of all the sports. There are undergraduates in the program who have been here for 3-4 yrs., and there are also 2nd-year Graduates (Level II's) and obviously, they've beeen here for 1 year already. But since Level I's are so new, it does take some time to not only get to know the athletes, but to get used to the routines of each sport, because there is an Athletic Trainer for every sport and they all have different styles. So therefore, by the second week, I have gotten used to the folks I am around, and used to the routines, and that makes the experience a lot more enjoyable, because I am not standing around as much, and feeling dumb asking questions.
From a fans perspective, the soccer team did not do well these past two weeks. They went 1-2, with an impressive, dominant performance (9-2 win) one week, and two lossed (1-3, 0-1) the second week. A shutout? C'mon ladies, what is the deal with the bi-polar play? But from an Athletic Trainers' perspective, these past two weeks have been a dream (sorta like my name). During week 1, I personally got a lot of insight to the sport of soccer, which I admittingly know very, very little about. And in terms of injuries, I got to see/care for three ankle sprains, bacterial infection, unknown nerve condition, and the mommy of all knee injuries, the ever-so-popular ACL. Well, we don't know for sure until she goes and sees the Doc, but we think it could be. But the best injury to date, is one that must have fell from the Heavens. In fact, I am doing my Eval of Lower Extremities case study on this; a fracture of the calcaneal beak. WHOA!!!!! I am sorry, but this kind of stuff excites me!!!! But wait, it gets better!!!! Not only did I get to go to the players' doctor visit and personally speak with the doc, but the player actually has photos of the ACTUAL INJURY when it occured. Supposedly, her familiy was in the stands and they caught it exactly when it happened. Talking about hitting the JACKPOT, baby! In addition, I was granted permission for personal interviews, x-rays, and any other tests involved. I smell an A+
Overall, excellent rotation. In fact, I'd give it the highest marks to-date. However, there is one important flaw about the on-field protocol I'd like to point out. Not that the current system is ineffective, but I simply have some suggestions to make it better. Currently, as described to me by the Level II, in the event of an emergency (by emergency, I mean a player goes down on the field), the procedure is.....I quote, "whoever it is turn to go out and do an on-field evaluation, they go with [Head Athletic Trainer], and that's it." I thought to myself, "okay..." Then I followed up with another question, because I'm not sure she understood what I was getting at. I asked, "So if a player goes down, and one of you (undergrad or Level II) goes out there with the Head AT, what then, becomes my responsibilty? Am I to wait for a signal in case I need to call an ambulance, 911, retrieve the splint bag, crutches, etc.?" And her response was, "Oh, we have an ambulance here, usually, and we'll just get them." And that was it. Not very productive, and either she wasn't aware of the plan in place, or there just wasn't one. So I am proposing a plan, because afterall, like I mentioned there was a 'suspected' ACL tear, this emergency happened...
The plan: In the event there is an injury, and an on-field evaluation is taking place, the two remaining AT students then treat it as a time-out of sorts, get players water, but one shall also become responsible for paying attention to see if the AT's on the field needs anything. That AT student must remain visually attentive, and if neccessary, react to the needs of the AT's that are on the field, whether that means flagging the ambulance, or retrieving certain items like band-aiids, medkit, splint bag, ice, etc.
And if the head AT returns to the sideline and needs to do further evaluation, as in the case with the ACL, now it becomes that second team of 2 AT students to watch the game and respond to any on-the-field injuries, while the head AT continues to treat the previously injured athlete. The roles are just switched until the hea AT can return. Without a proper protocol like this, what you will get is exactly what happened this Friday; 5 people standing around watching a Lachman's being performed while the game continued without being monitored.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Selection Saturday
Let me tell you something, I need a J-O-B! That is the word of the day. Actually, I don't necesarrily need a job, it's just that I could really use one, so I am applying to be a Community Assistant, or Resident Assistant, however you want to label it. I really need this position, because it would allow me a private room (I am too old to be living with these young guys), and that dough I'd get back for housing would really come in handy. Out-of-State tuition is a beyootch! Are you listening? So hopefully I do well today in the group interviews, and one-on-one interview.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Computer virus, okay, I am at your have me by the balls, are you happy?
Oh, the irony. I got a virus from the FreakStylaz, a site that I moderate! How bogus is that? And what makes me even more angry is being the second time this has happened (which reminds me, Net54 you betta check your Inbox). I mean, I was pissed. I got the virus Sunday morning, right before the Raiders game because I was trying to load the game to listen online. And at first, I thought it was the connection that being slow, then I tried closing the window, and it really started acting up. Then I couldn't shut down the computer, and that is when my firewall started going OFF! I knew at that point, I had been infected. Sucks...
At the beginning, I wasn't really upset. Well, at that point, I did not know the severity of the damage done, but the more I realized that this wasn't going to be some simple quick fix, the more tense I became. I managed to get the game on and listen to the Raiders recieve a lashing at the hands on the Saints, but it was after the game went off when I really began to get mad Luckily, Ben called...and was ready to go get food. So we went to Papa John's.
Deep in the back of my head, I knew I had escaped my issues for now, but not for long, because at some point I had to return to this fiasco. For a while, I fled reality with pizza and news of Mondays' class cancellation and managed to enjoy myself. The perfect way to come back down from that high is to walk into your room, and realize that your laptop has a virus, and it probably loaded with spyware, adware, malware, etc.
Which brings me to my next point...who in the hell creates these things? And please, answer me...WHY??!? Is it because you love to frustrate folks like me? You like to disgust the likes of innocent women and men for some sick and twisted pleasure fantasy of yours that involves fixin' computers? It is sooo bugged out! I have one statement for you, Mr./Mrs. Computer-virus-creator-man or woman-of the universe-asshole-who like to fuck with folks like are NOT cool, and probably wear leather in the Summer. Also I want to say to you, Ha! motherfucker, I got my computer fixed and it's now faster than it was last time (Okay, maybe it's not faster, but I'm convinced this is dial-up in this building), but I got my shit back.
I was soooo pissed at you, I even wrote a rant (similar to this) on I would provide the link, but it was flagged and removed from the site. Which is puzzling for me because, it appears someone was offended by my rant. I didn't think that was possible, to be offended by a rant - in the RANT section. Afterall...ahh, why bother. Anyway, it felt good while it lasted...
As a part of the healing process, the next day on Monday, I dropped my laptop at the SHACK, or the computer services guys on campus. I love Josh, the kid who worked there, he was helpful and courteous, and respectful. In didn't belittle me for not being able to remove the virus, nor did he ask about cool porn sites. It was very productive. When you go into the Shack, thank Josh ahead of time.
At the beginning, I wasn't really upset. Well, at that point, I did not know the severity of the damage done, but the more I realized that this wasn't going to be some simple quick fix, the more tense I became. I managed to get the game on and listen to the Raiders recieve a lashing at the hands on the Saints, but it was after the game went off when I really began to get mad Luckily, Ben called...and was ready to go get food. So we went to Papa John's.
Deep in the back of my head, I knew I had escaped my issues for now, but not for long, because at some point I had to return to this fiasco. For a while, I fled reality with pizza and news of Mondays' class cancellation and managed to enjoy myself. The perfect way to come back down from that high is to walk into your room, and realize that your laptop has a virus, and it probably loaded with spyware, adware, malware, etc.
Which brings me to my next point...who in the hell creates these things? And please, answer me...WHY??!? Is it because you love to frustrate folks like me? You like to disgust the likes of innocent women and men for some sick and twisted pleasure fantasy of yours that involves fixin' computers? It is sooo bugged out! I have one statement for you, Mr./Mrs. Computer-virus-creator-man or woman-of the universe-asshole-who like to fuck with folks like are NOT cool, and probably wear leather in the Summer. Also I want to say to you, Ha! motherfucker, I got my computer fixed and it's now faster than it was last time (Okay, maybe it's not faster, but I'm convinced this is dial-up in this building), but I got my shit back.
I was soooo pissed at you, I even wrote a rant (similar to this) on I would provide the link, but it was flagged and removed from the site. Which is puzzling for me because, it appears someone was offended by my rant. I didn't think that was possible, to be offended by a rant - in the RANT section. Afterall...ahh, why bother. Anyway, it felt good while it lasted...
As a part of the healing process, the next day on Monday, I dropped my laptop at the SHACK, or the computer services guys on campus. I love Josh, the kid who worked there, he was helpful and courteous, and respectful. In didn't belittle me for not being able to remove the virus, nor did he ask about cool porn sites. It was very productive. When you go into the Shack, thank Josh ahead of time.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Rotation 3 - Wellness Center/Nac ER & Ambulance
This is the Wellness Center; home of my third clinical rotation. It is conveniently located across Ag Pond, where many athletes used to reside, and in front or behind (depending on where you're standing) of Homer Bryce Stadium (in the distant). My days here started bright and early at 6:00am and I was usually out before 8:00am. Then I would go back in the afternoon for two hours from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. The Clinical Instructor (CI) here was Brittany, who is the Asst. Strength & Conditioning Coach, but she didn't like being called "coach" so Brittany was just fine.
This wasn't the most fun rotation. In fact, students in the past have called this the most boring. On day one, this nickname became very clear to me. There is no involvement as far as doing anything athletic training-related, but we do however, get to watch each team workout. In the beginning, the rules, or should I say limitations, were strict and straightforward. No talking to athletes. No spotting. Ask questions, but not during instruction. I was determined to make the best of this rotation.
By day three, there were some changes to the set of rules. I was asking questions and interacting with Britney, but only after the workouts. I would ask questions about compliance, coach relations, player relations, instruction style, etc. I am very happy Britney gave very good and thoughtful answers to all my questions. By the end of the week, I was helping with workouts for the softball team and getting more comfortable everyday.