Saturday, August 29, 2009

BurnWatch '09 - Day 7

Warning: Graphic photos ahead

As Burn Watch moves into day 7, as you can see, I am clearly well into the healing phase, and I think the worst of it has passed. My usual routine includes wearing it wrapped during the day, and removing the bandages at night while I am home (in my own germs). Yes, I sleep with it uncovered. My dressings of choice are
  1. 1% Silver Sulfadiazine cream (Silvidine), as a topical cream
  2. 3"x4" non-adherent pad, as a sterile covering
  3. Cover-all tape (sticky), to hold the non-adherent pad in place
  4. Powerflex wrap, to hold everything in place, but also for looks
  5. Tongue depresser, for Silvidine application

The shots below are after a shower in which I wash the old silvidine and any small amount of fluids that were discharged during the day. I usually don't wrap the powerflex to tight because I want to be able to walk comfortably and have my calf muscles still be able to contract. It doesn't bleed at all; if anything, just a tiny, tiny amount.

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