Tuesday, September 1, 2009

BurnWatch '09 - Day 10

WARNING: Wild shots below (okay, not that wild)

As you can see, it is healing quite nicely. Still, there is some redness toward the center, with the majority of the outer surroundings a healthy pinkish color. That is a positive sign of the skin cells being properly regenerated. I'm not a lizard.

This is a shot immediately after removing the dressings. The above shot is after I washed it and cleaned a little bit of excess gunk off. I just used soap and warm water.

This is also a shot after immediately removing the bandages. I like this shot because it is a good map of just where it is the most sensitive. The center-red portion is the most sensitive, and less, obviously, as you head outward. Also, I like this shot because you can began to see the little dots of skin beginning to return.

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